
Haderslev- my home for 3 months

zaterdag 16 april 2011

Kolding - Grenade - quiz - goodbye

On Wednesday Carsten was back and we had 2 hours in the 9th grade. He asked me how it went in the 7th grade. I looked at him and I said well I think they have a problem with me or so. I explained what happened and he looked a bit surprised. I told him that I thought that I might be the problem or so but he immediately said that I was doing a great job and so on. That was nice to hear but still. I told him my idea for Friday and he agreed. So let’s see if they still behave like this.
I left school around 9h50 and Anke and I took the bus to Kolding where there’s a big mall. It was shopping time. We had a lot of fun!!!

On Thursday, I had 3 hours of cooking class. This is actually the same class as I have for English so I was a bit concerned about how they would act today. All the pupils were there so there wasn’t a group who really needed my help. While I was walking around, 2 pupils came to me and asked if I wanted to join them for the “dinner”. I was a bit surprised but it was very nice. So I said yes and I also helped them with the preparations. We made a vegetarian meal and a pineapple cake. The ones, who know me, know that I don’t eat pineapple. But I tried it because I didn’t want to be rude and I actually liked it!!
After cooking class I had one free period and then I had to teach the 8th grade. It was a lesson about nouns, verbs and adjectives. Jørgen had given me a book with activities. It was an activity where they had to listen to the song “Another day in paradise by Phil Collins and they had to note down as many nouns, adjectives and verbs they could hear while listening. I changed the song but kept the activity. I wanted a more modern song so I chose Grenade by Bruno Mars. We first looked at the activity also to make sure the pupils know the difference between a noun, adjective and verb. We did that by asking them to give us some examples of nouns, adjectives and verbs. I let them listen to the song twice and we then corrected it. Then I had 2 activities of Madlibs for them. One was just a story and the other one was an Easter story, because it’s Easter holiday, next week. They really enjoyed this activity because they found it so funny. I also let some of them read their story out loud. At the end of the lesson, a girl from 8B (I teach 8A) came in and asked Jørgen why I couldn’t teach their class. I can tell you this was a bit touching. So I agreed with Jørgen that I will teach the same lesson in 8B after the Easter Holiday. In the afternoon I went to the hairdresser. =D
 new haircut, a new colour ;). 
On Friday morning I had to teach the 7th graders again. First of all I asked their postcards but I only received 5 of them.
Then I told them I needed 2 teams. They could choose in which team they wanted to be. I also told them that if they wanted they could just play: boys vs. girls. That’s how it went. Boys vs. girls. I told them we were going to play a game, a game about the USA. It was also to check if they paid attention during my previous lessons. I saw some scary faces at that point
I made a PowerPoint. The background was the American flag. I had made 5 categories: presidents, buildings, history, culture and miscellaneous. Every category was divided into 50,100, 200 or 500 DKK. So they could earn “money”. The rules were quite easy. One team chooses a category (e.g. presidents 500DKK = this was the more difficult one). They see the questions and they get some limited time to answer the question. If they answered correctly, I showed them the answer and gave them the money. If it wasn’t correct, I went to the other team and asked the answer. If the other team could answer it, they would get, half the money (250 DKK, in this case). They really enjoyed it. Also Carsten found it really great and he asked if I could send the PowerPoint to him as well.
Three free periods later, I had my last lesson of the day. English in 5A. They were late because it was also Singingday today. So the lesson started at 11h00 instead at 10h45. When the first one came in, she said to me: ooh you’ve cut and coloured your hair ! And then she ran out to tell the rest. That was quite funny because I’m not really used to that. They had to bring a picture of their family today and I think almost everyone did. The pupils though were  bit sad because one of the pupils changes school after Easter so this was her last day. Their presentations were really good but not everyone had the chance to present their family because we only had 30 minutes. At the end of the lesson, I asked the pupils if they wanted to pose for a group picture because now everyone was still in the class.  They absolutely didn’t mind but they also wanted some pictures of me
. I also got a chocolate cupcake from the girl who’s leaving.
After this lesson, Easter holiday could begin !!

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